Military and Law Enforcement Environment

MSA-South Africa facilitates this training to the Military and law enforcement. Aligned with Unit Standard 120487


MSA-South Africa facilitates this training to Military and law enforcement organizations. The training includes qualifying in Handgun, Shotgun and Rifle. This unit standard is aimed around the Intermediate learner with other Advanced exercises to make the course more relative. Please send a Request for quote.


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Attended Tactical Course with MSA. Course content was excellent. Building upon layers of learning and applying key principals in a safe environment. Application and drills moving through the various skill sets provide a great foundation for further development. Thank you and highly recommended.

Carl Ward Avatar Carl Ward
August 15, 2021

Top Class firearm training institution and instructors - recommended for proficiency training for SAPS Competency certification and up to Instructor level and beyond.

Glenn Lambert Avatar Glenn Lambert
April 15, 2023

James and Craig feels like part of the family! Great team and training facility! We have had multiple fanatastic shoots! Kudus!!

Ewald Fernandes Avatar Ewald Fernandes
December 15, 2022

Done the Tactical Course. Excellent is what I can say. The Instructors and Facilitator know their job and can answer all questions. Learned a lot and is very satisfied with the service👍👍👍

Riaan De Jager Avatar Riaan De Jager
August 15, 2022