Tactical Range Officer – TRO

This course is aligned with Unit Standard 123517 – Supervise the Operation of a Shooting Range and Tactical Shooting exercises.


MSA-South Africa hosts our Tactical Range Officer conjunction with the Tactical training. To qualify for this course, you are required to first complete the Tactical Unit Standards or are busy attending the tactical training. On this course you will learn how to safely control Tactical Shooting Exercises and how to design different types of Tactical shooting exercises.

Top Class firearm training institution and instructors - recommended for proficiency training for SAPS Competency certification and up to Instructor level and beyond.

Glenn Lambert Avatar Glenn Lambert
April 15, 2023

Professional and helpful . for people of all skill levels professional team with experienced and high caliber instructors

Owen Cook Avatar Owen Cook
August 15, 2022

Professional and efficient. High Calibre of instructors and very strict safety protocols. Felt safe and empowered. thank you to the Team

Carmela NP D'Arrigo Avatar Carmela NP D'Arrigo
August 15, 2021

Not only am I competent but also confident! Fantastic learning experience covering thorough training materials, test writing and also practical handling, safe keeping and shooting. Highly recommended!

UnTagableTay Avatar UnTagableTay
October 15, 2022