Alarm Systems

An alarm system, preferably connected to an armed response company that can act to an alarm trigger, this can be an effective deterrent.

In the rural environment a siren/alarm on the roof that can be heard over a long distance and that can be activated by means of a switch/panic button in the house, is recommended.

A few switches/panic buttons in different rooms of the house should preferably be installed, as well as a panic remote that can be placed anywhere in the house or garden.

Examples of alarm systems:

  • Mechanical and/or electrical (purchased types)
  • Improvised systems
  • Threaded tins
  • Threaded pieces of iron
  • Gravel around window panes, pathways or around the home.
  • Obstacles that can make a noise when moved, metal sounds will wake you and the dogs.
  • Biological alarm Systems:
    • Small dogs inside of the house as early warning, and larger dogs to sleep outside. Dog training will never go un-noticed and will add value to your home and family life.
    • Geese
    • Ostriches

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Had an awesome experience with Craig. His patience with those of us who had not handled a firearm before truly made us feel comfortable and encouraged.

Stephanie Dark Avatar Stephanie Dark
October 15, 2022

Very professional, you won't go wrong.

Hardware Unlimited Avatar Hardware Unlimited
January 15, 2023

Not only am I competent but also confident! Fantastic learning experience covering thorough training materials, test writing and also practical handling, safe keeping and shooting. Highly recommended!

UnTagableTay Avatar UnTagableTay
October 15, 2022

Excellent training and a must! James and Craig shared so much knowledge and skills! We came all the way from Cape Town and they really made us feel at home and we parted with some great skills and wisdom!

Rudolph Roos Avatar Rudolph Roos
August 15, 2021